爱情大师 Master of Love
by 崔子格 Cui Zi Ge
我今年二十一I'm 21 this year
已经大学四年级Already a senior in university
偷偷喜欢一个人Secretly crushing on one person
可是没勇气But I have no courage
毕业就各奔东西Come graduation we'll go our separate ways
以后就不再联系And there won't be any more contact
How can I confess my true feelings?
爱情大师我问你Master of Love let me ask
爱情有什么道理Does love have any reason?
偷偷喜欢算不算爱情Does a secret crush count as love?
我们有没有结局Do the two of us have an ending?
未来能否在一起Will we be together in the future?
又想又怕是不是爱情Wanting but also scared, is this love too?
Hey baby 让我来告诉你初恋的感觉甘之若饴Hey baby let me tell you first love is as sweet as sugar
像夏天里的冰淇淋 和冬天里的暖气Like ice cream in the summer and the heater in the winter
什么样的年纪 就玩什么样的游戏Whatever your age is, play the games to go with it
可以不讲道理可以不合逻辑因为青春无敌谁都惹不起It's okay not to follow reason, it's okay not to follow logic, because there's no enemy to be afraid of in your youth
爱情是未知的结局至少拥有美丽的回忆Nobody knows how love will end in the future, at least embrace the beautiful memories
一切来之不易 且行且珍惜All of this isn't easy, for the time being just go for it and just treasure it
我今年二十七I'm 27 this year
年龄不高也不低Not that old and not that young
工作在一家外企Working at a foreign company
做个小白领Being a white collar worker
谁都看不进眼里There's no one who catches my eye
父母比我更着急My parents are more worried than I am
眼看就变成大龄剩女Before you know it I'll become an old maid
爱情大师我问你Master of Love let me ask
世上有没有爱情Is there any love in this world?
好男人都跑去了哪里Where are all the good men?
有才华的没有钱If they have talent they have no money
长得帅的坏脾气If they have good looks they have a nasty temper
是不是我真的太挑剔Is it really me who's being too picky?
Hey honey 不是我来说你最怕就是你这种大龄剩女Hey honey no offence but the most difficult are single women like you
每天忙着工作不来打理自己最美好的青春都献给了人民币Only working everyday, never taking care of yourself, the most beautiful moments of your youth you gave away to the dollar
没关系 谈恋爱就像狗熊掰玉米Don't worry, dating is like a bear peeling corn
抓一个丢一个还有一个在手里Grab one, throw one away, and there's still one more in your hand
条件差的你看不上 条件好的看不上你The ones with low standards don't catch your eye, you don't catch the eyes of the ones with high standards
你若敞开心扉 好男人就在隔壁Leave your heart open, the right man is just next door
我今年三十一I'm 31 this year
早已嫁作他的妻Already married and became his wife
刚刚结婚那两年The first two years after the wedding
真的很甜蜜Was really very sweet
随着时间的推移But going along with the passing of time
默契变成了疏离Somehow quietly becoming more estranged
是他变心还是我多疑Is it his heart that's changed or is it me having too many doubts?
爱情大师我问你Master of Love let me ask
爱情会不会过期Can love expire?
白头到老只是个传奇Is growing old and grey together just a myth?
婚姻是爱的墓地Is marriage love's graveyard
还是爱的目的地Or is it love's destination?
走到哪里算完美结局How long until it counts as a perfect ending?
Hey Lady 请别灰心丧气Hey lady don't lose heart and get down
其实每一段爱情都有保质期Actually every love has a 'best before' date
你应该放进冰箱或者加点防腐剂You should put it in a refrigerator or add some preservatives
婚姻就像做生意要学会经营Marriage is like a business, you have learn how to manage it
学会打扮自己 制造新鲜刺激Learn to take care of your appearance, create fresh moments,
保持安全距离 别拆穿男人的秘密Keep a safe distance, don't try to expose your partner's secrets
最后一点我要告诉你Last thing I have to tell you
如果没有婚姻 爱情将会死无葬身之地
If there's no marriage, love would die without a body to bury
关于爱情的问题On the question of love
答案并不是唯一There isn't only one answer
爱情大师就是你自己The master of love is you yourself
付出真心和真意Put in real affections and real dedication
自己慢慢去经历Slowly experience it for yourself
才能明白爱情的真谛That's how you'll see love's true meaning
大龄剩女 - literally old/middle aged, leftover/remainder woman
(Old maid, spinster, cat lady...implying being single, being leftover or unwanted, and being old all at once)
献给了人民币 - offered to RMB
(Changed it to dollars to suit the language)
狗熊掰玉米 - a bear peeling corn
(Full saying is 狗熊掰玉米 掰一个仍一个 which is a 'bear peeling corn, peel one and throw one away' which is usually applied to studying as in 'you learn one thing only to forget another' so in the end you don't learn anything at all)
条件 - lit. criteria, condition
(People with good criteria or qualities, i.e. money, looks, personality etc)
扉 - a door panel
(Kind of like leaving the door to your heart open, but I didn't want to use door twice in one sentence so)
默契 - secretly agreement, tacit understanding
(Without speaking, understanding that we've grown apart)
墓地 - cemetery, graveyard
目的地 - destination, goal
(A pun, since 墓 and 目 have the same pronunciation)
打扮 - dress up
制造新鲜刺激 - lit. manufacture fresh simulations/excitements
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